I’m home! They let me go home!! I’m still very sick, but I am home. (And some people doubted that I would ever be able to go home again. My tripawd pals knew better!) I don’t know who is more tired: me or Mom. Probably Mom.
I have pancreatitis and probably a GI ulcer. I threw up again this morning. And I am down to 7.5 pounds. They say I am anorexic…I don’t know what that word means, but if I was “small” before, now I am “tiny”.
More later. I have to rest. You should see all the pill bottles Mom has for me.
Good for you james, for getting HOME!!!! Yay!!! Rest up dude, you got some healing to do!!!! Eat up to!
Tracy, Maggie’s Mom
Yeah for James!!!
We KNEW you could do it James! Thanks for brightening our day with this fantastic news. Stay well, cuddle up with your pack and get started eating. Remember, this is the holidays after all so chow down. What we would give for an excuse to eat all we want!
Oh, James!! We are thrilled to hear this news! We have been checking your blog for an update, holding our breath and crossing our paws! This is wonderful news~
Okay, now get some rest and enjoy being in your comfy home with your family. No more anorexia…start eating!!
What a fighter…what a heart you have you brave boy!
Please keep us posted on your progress.
Sending prayers up for you!
Smooches and hugs,
Angel Honeygurl’s pack
Hi James we love and miss you already, but we are happy your home! You better get a job and pay your mom back for those bills! hehe jk! You were great company on my long shifts I hope you feel better soon!
Happy happy to hear you’re home even though you’re still very ill. Get better soon, little guy. And eat, please, for crying out loud!
Woof, Woof, ruff, ruff. Translated, welcome home, know you have had a rough time and know you will still have to being tough to continue getting better. Maybe your mom will give you some frozen chicken broth or frozen yougurt with honey on top! Please keep doing better. Remember, just one tiny bite at a time.
Woo Hoo, little buddy! We are so happy that you are home where you belong. Just rest, take your meds and get better, ok? I thought you had to be a Hollywood starlet like Lindsay Lohan to be anorexic. Who knew! Seriously, just take it slow and get better. We love having you around.
Yay, James!!! We were rooting for you and knew you could do it! Welcome home! Please feel better and start eating again soon. We’ll eat some treats in your honor, but we’d love it if you would join us. We’re keeping all fingers and paws in our house crossed for continued good news from you.
Holly, Zuzu and Susan
Great news that your home now James!!! We’ve all been so worried about you. You really gave us a big scare and I’m sure your mom an even bigger scare! We will be keeping our paws crossed that you get to feeling better real soon and saying lots of prayers.
Lots of golden hugs to you and your mom.
Kami, Mackenzie and Kobe
James, you’re a toughie so I know this is just a little bump! I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. Pawsitive thoughts coming your way.
Soooo glad to hear James is home. That must feel so comforting for both of you! Give him a gentle hug and a huge tight hug for yourself from me. Get some rest and hope that James continues to rally!
james, this is an answered prayer!!! rest up, gain your strength back. never forget the power of medicinal napping!!! we will take naps here in ET and send the power of the ‘juju’ your way!!. and, please try to eat a little, a nibble of cottage cheese, a piece of chicken. i highly recommend very expensive greek cheese – charon found out i liked it, and i think i was able to nibble more of it than her… just get better, that’s what we want for christmas, a healthy james under the tree!!!!
gayle & charon
Yea for you James!!!!
Rest and eat if you can, and be sure your loving mom does the same.
Once again you show what a Champion you are!!!
Spirit JD’s mom
We knew you would be home soon!!! Hugs & Doggie Kisses to you both!
mandy & Kenmore
Aw James, YAY. You had me worried little boy. Many hugs to you and your mom. Now you need to really impress me and start putting the weight back on!
Elizabeth and Sammy
I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to check in on you James. For some reason I got blocked from the Tripawd site and all my post were sent to your spam locker! I’m so glad you are home. I pray you are doing well and hope you continue to improve. We have been so worried about you guys. Say hey to Mom and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Fortis and Dad
How is James doing today?
Spirit JDs mom