James is worse

My heart aches.  We have tried everything.  Last Wed., the vets did an endoscopy on James.  The camera took photos of his stomach and upper intestines and the soft palate in his mouth.  The lymphocytes in his duodenum are dilated and abnormal.  Most of your digestion takes place in the duodenum and dilated lymphocytes can disrupt the digestive process.  The vets took biopsies and inserted a feeding tube in James’ neck.

I have been feeding James with the feeding tube, hoping that this would help him gain weight.  I feed him 3-4 times each day for at least 20 minutes each.  The food in the syringe must be the right consistency and temperature.  And you have to feed it slowly and start/end with a warm water flush.

Despite my feedings, James is looking thinner and weaker.  As I write this, I am waiting for Dr. Tripp to call with the results of the biopsies.  My gut hurts and it’s hard to focus.

The sad part is that the osteosarcoma is in remission.  I was hoping for some great days after the chemo was all done.

Nancy (James’ Mom)

19 thoughts on “James is worse

  1. Candace Hume

    Hang in there, Nancy, you are doing the best job anyone could for James. Big hugs from me, Tim, and alll the Tanzen poodles.

  2. admin

    Bless you for taking such good care of James. He has had an amazing, full life – thanks to you. We wish you the best for judging his quality of life and doing what is best for him now.

  3. jerry

    Nancy, the power of the pack lives forever no matter what. May this power keep you strong as you cope with so much right now. We are so sorry.

    James, we are sending our love and healing thoughts your way. You are our warrior, my friend. We love you.

  4. Lyndon's mama

    I’m so so sorry about James. It’s so hard to watch a loved one take a turn for the worse. He is so lucky to have someone like you that is willing to take such good care of him. He sounds like he has had a great life because of the love and care you have given him. You have proven that you have his best interests at heart, even if those decisions are hard.

    You and James will be in my prayers.

  5. fortisdad

    Nancy, I’m so sorry. James is such a brave and courageous boy. He is very lucky to have such a caring and loving mom. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during these difficult times.


  6. cometdog

    I, too am so sorry to hear. I wish I could say something that would comfort you right now. I was hoping in my heart he would rally.

    We’re here to help in any way we can.
    Comet’ mom

  7. Ginger

    Nancy, we are so sorry James is struggling. He has been such brave little man through this ordeal. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are very hopeful James will rebound.

    Ginger’s pack

  8. anyemery

    Nancy, we’re so sorry to read this. You and James are in our hearts. We will keep fingers and paws crossed for your brave boy.
    Sending huge hugs,
    Holly, Zuzu and Susan

  9. credocanis

    Nancy – I’m so very sorry to read this. I’m thinking positive thoughts for both of you. No matter what, remember that James is so very loved!

    Please let me know if we can do anything at all for you and James.

    Rhonda and Lincoln

  10. fightingforsammy

    Sammy and I wish we could reach through the wires and hug you right now. I know the pain and grief, having lost my 17 year old last November, watching her decline was unbearable. The one thing I felt that I held onto and it helped was that I had done everything I could possibly do for her.
    I KNOW you are doing that for James. I know he loves and trusts you and knows you love him too. My prayers will be for you both that James can find a way to beat this too and make a comeback once again for a wonderful and happy life with you. If there was something I could ask for Christmas it would be that James will be here to celebrate with you for a long time to come.
    Elizabeth and Sammy

  11. fortisdad


    I just saw your post on Fortis’ blog. I’m so so sorry. I can’t express how much it means to me that you had Fortis’ Christmas card with you when you said goodbye to your sweet little James. I didn’t know that James had passed. Like you, as much as I want to visit the site it seems to make the ache worse. I’m sorry.

    One thing I do know Nancy is that James and Fortis are now pain free and enjoying their swim together. James was a fighter and a very brave boy. Any you gave him a wonderful life. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Brett and Spirit Fortis


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