Chest X-Rays are CLEAR!

Mom is doing a happy dance.   Today I got my 4th chemo treatment.  And they took x-rays of my chest.  Dr. Tripp told my Mom: “The lungs are clear!” and Mom started smiling from ear to ear and dancing around.  (I’m blind, so I couldn’t see her smile, but I could FEEL it.)

I got treats for being a good boy at the vet and chicken from Mom when we got home.  Today is a good day!!!  Yum!  Mom promised me more special food for dinner before she left for work.

And, my oncologist Dr. Tripp’s office (Animal Medical Center of Seattle) is sponsoring the 2 Million Dog Puppy Up! Walk in Seattle on Nov. 7.  Mom signed us up for that.  There will be another walk in Auburn (a bit south of Seattle) at the same time.  GEEE!

JAMES the poodle (wondering what special goodie Mom will have for me tonight)

14 thoughts on “Chest X-Rays are CLEAR!

  1. Sophie

    James, I am so happy for you!! I hope you get something really cool for dinner. Just make sure the dynamic duo doesn’t get into the fridge and help themselves to it!

    I hope that I will get to see you at the trial in Elma. Mom says I should share some of my favorite treats with you to celebrate. I don’t mind sharing with you, but let’s make sure fatty Katie is not around to steal them!!

    Keep up the good work and keep getting stronger. I hope you are almost done with Chemo.

  2. nstephenson Post author

    Hi Sophie,

    I am NOT going to let fatty Katie and her cohort in crime TJ get MY special treats!!! Since the refrigerator is not “safe” any more, Mom has started hiding treats in the microwave and in the oven!!

    Guess what! My 6th and last chemo treatment will be the day before BIG TURKEY DAY! We will have a lot to celebrate.


  3. Ginger

    Woo Hoo James!!! We are so happy for you. That is the best pawsible news ever!! Only 2 more chemo treatments to go and you will be done. Make sure you get all the special treats you can the next few days. I’m gonna go make my Daddy get me some treats because my friend James has no mets.

  4. Mackenzie's Mom

    That’s awesome James! Clear chest x-rays!! Whoo hoo!! And 4th chemo treatment – wow you don’t have much farther to go. We are so happy for you and will definitely be celebrating this great news with you with lots of treats, ice cream and cheese. 🙂 Way to go James!

  5. kobe341

    That is really excellent news James!! We are so happy for you and your Mom!!! We will also enjoy a special treat tonight in your honor 🙂

    Bethany and Kobe

  6. Cherry

    YEA!!!! Clear chest x-ray and fourth chemotherapy complete, now that is great news. Can you feel the smiles on my Dad’s face as he reads this wonderful news. He will be joing in a celebration with all the rest of the Tripawds community. YEA!!!

    Somehow he missed the notice about the two month ampuversary. Actually, I know the reason. The LA rescue is kinda of occupying all his time. I try to tell her not to drive Dad crazy, but she just does not seem to listen. However, by missing the original posting of the two month milestone, we will just have to extend your celebration. Now how can that be bad?

    Keep on rocking my man.
    Spirit Cherry

  7. credocanis

    Well that is news that absolutely rocks, James. Somehow I don’t think you need to see your Mom smile to know that she is. I imagine you have a pretty good sense for that.

    Maybe you should see if your Mom will give you a beer to celebrate….or ice cream, if that fails.

    🙂 Lincoln’s Mom

  8. etgayle

    james we can feel that smile all the way out here in east tennessee!!! congrats on clear films, keep up the good work buddy!!! ice cream and cheese for everybody. woo hoo!!

    gayle and charon

  9. fortisdad

    That’s wonderful news James. We’re so happy for you. Before you know it turkey day will be here and the treatments a thing of the past. Keep up the great work.
    Happy thoughts from your friends down in Texas,
    Fortis and Brett

  10. wyattraydawg

    Rock and ROLL James, that’s RAD!!!! Congrats!!!

    I can’t wait to celebrate with you in pawson. But I’m confused, I didn’t know there was a walk in Seattle too. Hmmm…Maybe we can met up a day or two before, cuz I heard Mom say we’re doing the Auburn walk.

  11. fightingforsammy

    Yay little James!
    I am so glad for you and your pack of wonderful pups. I missed this somehow when you posted so we will celebrate for you today! It was great meeting you and sorry we won’t be at the same walk but wherever you walk isn’t the point, it is that you will be walking to help beat this.
    Sammy will be having ice cream tonight as a bonus and we will be honoring you,
    Elizabeth and Sammy


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