Chemotherapy: Our First Visit

The pathology report came back on James’ leg on Tues. Aug. 10, six days after his front left leg was amputated.  As we suspected, the diagnosis is osteosarcoma, but no cancer cells were found in the lymph or vascular.

We started chemotherapy the next morning, Wed. Aug. 11, on James’ 1-week ampuversary.  He is getting carboplatin.  They took a compete blood count (CBC) before they started and I will need to follow-up with CBCs to check on his white blood cell count.

James has had no real problem with the chemo, except that he is not really interested in his normal food.  Today is day 2 after the chemo treatment and he would not eat his “wet” food, but actually preferred the kibble and ate some very, very slowly. 

While we were waiting for discharge instructions from our chemo visit, James and I both curled up on the vet’s leather sofa and snoozed a bit.  I have been exhausted and look forward to sleeping a LOT this weekend.

Nancy, James and the rest of the poodles

7 thoughts on “Chemotherapy: Our First Visit

  1. admin

    Thanks for the update, and for upgrading James’ blog with a Supporter subscription! Glad to hear the chemo treatments are going well – naps are a ggod thing. 😉

    FYI: You can upload a blog avatar from the Settings tab in your dashboard. Search for and add Tripawds Friends to your widget from the Friends tab.

  2. Fortis'dad

    Get lots of rest while you guys can. James is going to keep you hoppin! I’m glad to hear all is going well and James has handle his first chemo treatment without a hitch. Sending positive thoughts from Austin all the way to you in beautiful Seattle.

    Fortis and Dad Brett

  3. Carmen (Catie's Mom)

    Lots and lots of NAPS! For everyone. It is a trying time.

    Loss of appetite seems to be a pretty common side effect with the chemo treatments. Catie was typically pretty good immediately after each treatment; the second and third days though she turned her nose up at food too.

    Hang in there, James. Sounds like you’re doing great.

  4. Cherry

    So glad that James is doing this well after surgery and the first chemotherapy. Like James, Miss Cherry’s appetite went off the second day after chemotherapy (which was given just hours after the amputation.) Her appetite totally disapeared and I had to stuff the vast majority of her calories during the chemotheapy protocol. Since the vast majority of the dogs do very well with chemotheapy, we sure hope that James will not have these problems. Like James, Cherry was a “show” dog but did all her work on obedience rather than agility.

    We will be pulling for James and will be looking forward to ampuversary parties.

    Spirit Cherry’s Dad

    1. nstephenson Post author

      I love the photos of Cherry. When I have a bit of time, I am going to read all of Cherry’s journey. Thanks so much, Everyone, for the comments.

  5. Laura

    I’m so glad the lymphs and vascular were both clear that is great news. I don’t blame him for questioning his food for a bit. I hope you all have a great nap.


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